

時(shí)間:2024-09-28 00:22:51 論文致謝 我要投稿





  Upon finishing this thesis, I would like to express my great gratitude towards allthose who have offered me sincere assistance in the three years.

  First and foremost, my hearty thanks go to my supervisor, Professor ZhangRuwen, who has given me insightful suggestions and constant encouragement both inmy study and in my life. Furthermore, Professor Zhang's painstaking teaching andvaluable advice have profoundly contributed to the completion of the present thesis.

  Also, I own my thanks to all the professors who have taught and enlightening meduring my studies in the campus, for guiding me in the field of research work, whichis both challenging and fantastic. The experience and profit I obtained will be ofgrand importance to my further studies.

  Finally, I am also grateful to my family and friends, who encourage and supportme and share with me my worries, frustrations, and happiness.

  When this experiential and intellectual projects comes to its finishing point, Iwould like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who have helped me during theprocess of writing for their guidance, kindness and support.

  First and foremost, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Professor Chai? whoread my draft with great patience and provided penetrating suggestions for revision. Ialso want to express my sincere gratitude to the professor who recommended manybooks and materials with regard to the genre theory and appraisal theory. I should thankall the teachers who have taught me in the previous two and a half year.

  I also would like to thank my classmates,to name just a few. I have received quitea lot of suggestions and encouragements from them, especially at the time when I felj^lost and depressed in the course of writing.

  Last but not least,my special thankfulness goes to my dear families for theirendless affection, constant understanding and support of my further study.


  Before concluding this thesis,I would like to take the precious opportunity to extend mywholehearted gratitude to all that have helped me with my accomplishment of this paper.

  First and foremost, I owe my deepest gratitude to my distinguished and cordialsupervisor, Ms. Chen Li, who has supported me from the material and psychological aspect,guided me in collection of abundant materials, and enlightened me while in confusion.

  Without her dedicated assistance and insightful supervision, this paper would have gonenowhere.

  Secondly, I would express my heartfelt thanks to my family for their unconditional loveand care all the time without whose support I would be easily beaten down by the difficultiesencountered in the writing process.

  Last but not least,my sincere appreciation also goes to my prestigious and edifyingprofessors in our English department including Prof. Yan Jinglan, Prof. Wang Zhiqin, Prof.

  Shao Zhihong and Prof. Wang Jianguo, who have inspired me and push me forward to theacademic world, and to Ms. Ren Zhiyi the librarian of ECUST,who has provided me withtimely material support.


  It gives me great pleasure to express my gratitude to all the people who haverendered help to me during the time of my Ph D study. First I would like to expressmy heartfelt thanks to my supervisor Prof. Sun Yingchun, both for his insightfullectures and academic expertise and his constant encouragement and patient support.

  Special thanks are due to Prof. Liu Shicong from Nankai University, who notonly encouraged me tremendously by showing great appreciation to my research topic,but also kindly provided me with the four-volume English version of the SelectedWorks published by FLP in the 1960s. I have also benefited greatly from Prof. Liu'slectures. My very grateful thanks go to Prof. Wang Hongyin from Nankai University,not only for his encouraging remarks about my research topic, but also for theinsightful advice and suggestions I have received from him throughout my Ph Dstudy.

  I am particularly grateful to Prof. Jack Masson, Professor Emeritus of theUniversity of Alberta, who not only helped me obtain valuable materials related to myresearch, but also kindly edited my dissertation. The help and encouragement I havereceived from him is inestimable. Thanks are also due to Dr Christina Schaffner,DrKate Sturge and Dr. Stefan Baumgarten from Aston University, and Dr Mona Bakerfrom the University of Manchester for their genuine interest in my research and theirconstructive suggestions.

  My heartfelt thanks go to Professor He Xianbin from Guangdong PolytechnicNormal University who kindly provided me with a copy of his very helpful book ontranslation and power relations. I would also like to thank Prof. Li Yuchen, Prof.GuoJide, Prof. Miao Xingwei, Prof. Wang Junju, Prof. Wang Keyou, Prof. Sun Changkun,Prof. Ji Yunxia and Prof. Lumin for their help and support in one way or anotherduring my Ph D study.

  Finally I want to thank my parents and my husband for their love, support andpatience, without which the process of my Ph D study would have been unbearable. Iespecially want to thank my son, who not only endured my mental absence, but alsohelped me proofread the Chinese paragraphs contained in my dissertation.


  I would like to extend my deep gratitude to all those who have offered mepractical, cordial and selfless support in writing this thesis.

  Firstly, I am extremely grateful to my supervisor, Prof. Wang Baorong. He guidesme, influences me and helps me in the process of writing this thesis. It is with hispatience, generosity, and encouragement that I finally write, revise and perfect mythesis.

  Secondly, I am much obliged to all teachers who ever taught me during the yearsof my postgraduate studies, esp. Prof. Li Changbao, associate Prof. Shao Youxue,associate Prof. Ceng Qunxia, associate Prof. Chen Xianghong and associate Prof.

  Teng Chao. It is these distinguished professors who give me the opportunity to walkinto the academic world. To study with them will always be an honor for me and theirinstructions will follow me in my future studies.

  Thirdly, my dear friend, Bao Yizong, who has worked in the audio-visual fieldfor more than three years, has also offered me great help. Based on his real experience,I can really catch a glimpse of the subtitling process and subtitlers' workingenvironment, which paves way for an accurate and pragmatic study of Red Sorghum'sEnglish subtitles.

  Lastly, I also want to thank my family members, esp. my wife and my lovelydaughter. It is their understanding and patience that make this thesis possible.










