

時(shí)間:2024-10-04 23:34:47 論文致謝 我要投稿
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  It takes me a whole year to finish this paper, and the process is definitely not easy.

  Fortunately, my supervisor, Professor Zhang Lei, keeps giving me valuable instructionand encouragement with her great patience and carefulness. Each time I sent her adraft of my paper, she would not only check its overall structure and logic closely, butalso correct all the errors word by word, which helped me to improve my papersteadily and made me feel more confident day by day. Without her guidance, thispaper can never be finished in time. And besides the paper itself, Professor Zhang alsogave me useful advice on how to approach the field of international relations whichwill be quite conducive to my further study. Therefore, I would like to express mysincere gratitude to Professor Zhang Lei for her kind help.

  I also want to thank all my English teachers at China Foreign Affairs University.

  During my two years' study on campus, they gave me professional and patientinstruction on English learning, which proved to be a necessary basis for the writingof this paper.


  This thesis would never have materialized without the help and support frommany parties.

  First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor inChina Foreign Affairs University, Professor Lv Hui, for his invaluable instruction,incessant inspiration and constant encouragement. She has spent a lot of time readingand correcting my thesis. Without her academic guidance, I could not haveaccomplished this thesis. Her energy and passion for knowledge and education havehad such a great influence on me that I am sure they always remain a beacon in myfuture career.

  I am also indebted to all my teachers in the English Department of China ForeignAffairs University, especially to Professor Zhang XiaoLi, Ms. Shi Yi, Ms. MeiQiong, Professor Sun Jisheng, Professor Wang Yan, Professor Song Aiqun andProfessor He Qun for everything I have learned from them during the time at thisuniversity.

  I would like to express my thanks to my friends Liu Ying and Jin XiaoQing fortheir sincere support.

  In addition, I wish to say thanks to my family and relatives, especially my elderbrother Liu WenFeng, who gave me a lot of useful information for me.

  In the end, I'm grateful to my mother. Without her help and encouragement, Iwould never have finished this thesis on time.


  I would like express my gratitude to all those who offer great help for my thesis.

  First and foremost, my deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor Professor YuMuhong, for his father-like encouragement and guidance. He provided me withabundant suggestions and priceless criticisms for my writing of the thesis. But for hisconstant patient guidance and enlightenment, the thesis would have become a missionimpossible.

  My sincere thanks also go to the teachers from the School of Foreign Languages ofZhejiang University of Finance and Economics, who jointly led me into the holy templeof academic field. Here, I want to send my gratefulness to those respected teachers likeProf. Wang Baorong, Prof. Li Changbao, Prof. Chen Xianghong, Prof. Shao Youxue,Prof. Teng Chao, Prof. Cen Qunxia etc. Thank you for your being with me and beingthe witnesses for the birth, growth and perfection of my thesis.

  I feel indebted to my parents, without their mental and material support, I couldbarely finish the thesis on time.

  Finally, my thanks should be sent to all my classmates, for their endless supportand warm hearts, making me feel like living in a united big family.


  This thesis would not come into being if I had not received help from mysupervisor, teachers, classmates, and family. They offered me so much encouragement,without which I could have already given up. But before I express my sincerestgratitude to them, I would thank my God. It was always He who first came to help mewhen my faith was influenced by Blake's unorthodox theological thinking. Again itwas He who gave me wisdom and patience to do whatever I did for his glory.

  “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” (NIV, Ecclesiastes 9:10)And here is the prayer when I was in the valley of despair: “May the favor of the Lordour God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us-yes, establish the workof our hands.” (Psalm 91:17) It is His faithfulness and unfailing love that urged me towrite the thesis with all my might.

  My supervisor Xu Xiaodong did offer me so much help that I feel so grateful tohim. He has lent me over thirty valuable monographs, biographies, anthologies, andcollections of essays. Nearly all of the books were bought from abroad at his ownexpense. His fervent love for literature, his relentless pursuit of knowledge, and hismeticulous attitude towards research manifest the personalities and qualities I shouldcultivate as a qualified scholar. Whenever I sent him an article he always gave meprecious suggestions that really improved my critical thinking a lot. For many times Ifailed to keep my promise, he forgave me and kept encouraging me to pursue mystudies. I give my most genuinely gratitude to him for his generous help.

  Besides my supervisor, I have benefited from many other teachers. Prof. ZhangRuwen, Prof. Yi Jianhong, Prof. Jiang Yuebin, Sun Jiurong and Wei Lina, they havetaught me many critical approaches and broadened the scope of my knowledge invarious fields of literature. Moreover, I would like to extend my gratitude to myclassmates and roommates. They taught me how to balance study and rest. I alsothank my family, especially my sister, who came to my school many times to visit me.

  Her support and comfort gave me much strength.

  Lastly my gratitude would be expressed to Charles Gardner, Paul Berger, HelenC. White, Maung Ba-han, S. Foster Damon, J. G. Davies. Even though some of themhave gone to the land where no traveler returns back, their results of years of researchwill be passed down to future generations. Without their researches, students ofWilliam Blake would fumble many more years in the mystical land of the mystic-poet.

  William Ralph Inge, Miss Evelyn Underhill, Emily Herman, Joseph B. Collins,without whose systematic exploration of mysticism I would be totally at loss in thevast ocean of this particular human experience.


  I would like to express my sincere and deep gratitude to my supervisor, ProfessorSun Jisheng, for her inspiring instructions, earnest encouragement and great patienceshe has offered to me. I was especially touched and encouraged to have her detailedcomments and suggestions when revising the thesis. What's more, I learned from herthe spirit of rigorous scholarship in my contact with her in the past several months.

  Without her supervision and instruction, I would not have been able to complete thisthesis.

  I would also like to extend my gratitude to the other professors of China ForeignAffairs University during my two-year postgraduate study there. Their instructivelectures have provided me with an enjoyable and profitable learning experience atCFAU, which has greatly improved my academic interest and ability.

  I also owe my gratitude to my colleagues in the Ministry of Foreign Affairswhere I work. My gratitude also goes to my department for the support to thislearning journey.

  My heartfelt thanks also go to my wife and my daughter, who have alwayssupported me during my postgraduate learning, preparation for national qualificationexams and this thesis writing. Their love and smile every day are the most valuablethings to me on this journey.









