- 相關推薦
Acknowledgements 4-5
摘要 5-6
Abstract 6-7
1. Introduction 11-17
1.1 Research Background of the Study 11-13
1.2 Aim and Significance of the Study 13-14
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 14-17
2. Literature Review 17-38
2.1 Translation Quality Assessment 17-20
2.2 TQA from the Perspective of SFL 20-25
2.3 TQA Model Based on SFL 25-35
2.4 Quality Assessment of the Translation of Political Speeches 35-38
3. Research Method 38-52
3.1 Research Questions 38-39
3.2 Research Procedures 39
3.3 Data Collection and Processing 39-42
3.4 Analytical Framework 42-52
3.4.1 The Transitivity system 43-44
3.4.2 The Speech function and Mood type system 44-46
3.4.3 The Subject person system 46-48
3.4.4 The Modality system 48-49
3.4.5 The Appraisal system 49-52
4. Register Analysis of the Source Speech 52-68
4.1 Field of the Source Text 52-53
4.2 Tenor of the Source Text 53-67
4.2.1 Speech functions and mood types 54-57
4.2.2 The Subject person 57-60
4.2.3 Modality 60-64
4.2.4 Appraisal 64-67
4.3 Summary 67-68
5. Register Comparison and TQA 68-84
5.1 TQA Based on Ideational Meaning 68-74
5.1.1 Ideational meaning deviation 68-71
5.1.2 Assessment based on deviation and negative equivalence 71-74
5.2 TQA Based on Interpersonal Meaning 74-82
5.2.1 Interpersonal meaning deviation 74-80
5.2.2 Assessment based on deviation and negative equivalence 80-82
5.3 Summary 82-84
6. Conclusion 84-88
6.1 Major Findings 84-85
6.2 Contributions of the Study 85-86
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 86-88
References 88-93
Appendix 93-100
摘要 5-6
Abstract 6-7
Table of Contents 8-10
List of Tables and Figures 10-11
Chapter One Introduction 11-13
1.1 Research Background 11-12
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance 12
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 12-13
Chapter Two Literature Review 13-22
2.1 Working Definition of Discourse 13
2.2 Working Definition of Climate Change 13-14
2.3 Studies on Critical Discourse Analysis 14-15
2.4 CDA Research on News Discourse 15-20
2.5 CDA Research on Climate Change News Discourse 20-22
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 22-34
3.1 Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar 22-24
3.2 Fairclough's Three-dimensional Model of CDA 24-27
3.3 Analytical Scheme of the Present Study 27-34
3.3.1 Transitivity 28-31
3.3.2 Modality 31-32
3.3.3 Theme 32-34
Chapter Four Research Methodology 34-39
4.1 Research Questions 34
4.2 Corpus Building 34-37
4.3 Procedure of Analysis 37-39
Chapter Five Results and Discussion 39-65
5.1 Lexical Choices 39-45
5.1.1 Analysis of Headlines 39-41
5.1.2 Analysis of Keywords 41-45
5.2 Transitivity Analysis 45-49
5.3 Modality Analysis 49-52
5.4 Theme Selection 52-58
5.5 Intertextuality Analysis 58-61
5.6 Discussion 61-65
5.6.1 Institutional Context 61-63
5.6.2 Situational Context 63-64
5.6.3 Social Context 64-65
Chapter Six Conclusion 65-69
6.1 Major Findings 65-68
6.2 Implications 68
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions 68-69
References 69-73
Acknowledgements 4-5
摘要 5-6
Abstract 6
1. Introduction 9-15
1.1 Research Issue,Significance and Thesis Statement 9-10
1.2 Research Theory and Methodology 10-11
1.3 Literature Review 11-14
1.4 Thesis Structure 14-15
2. British Comedy Tradition-From the 1890s to the Present 15-24
2.1 From the 1890s to the Late 1920s:Visual Humor in Silent Cinema 15-16
2.2 From the Late 1920s to the 1930s:the Coming of Verbal Humor 16-17
2.3 From the 1940s to the 1960s:Ealing Comedy,Carry Ons,etc 17-21
2.3.1 The Ealing Comedies 18-19
2.3.2 The Carry Ons 19-20
2.3.3 Other Representative Comedians or Works 20-21
2.4 From the 1970s to the 1980s:A Relative Decline 21-22
2.5 The 1990s Onwards:Unprecedented Commercial Success 22-24
3. Analysis of Commercially Successful British Comedy Films since the 1990s 24-45
3.1 The Commercial Success:Box Office and Rating 24-26
3.2 Transformation to New-style Comedy:Urgency and Possibility for Change 26-30
3.3 International Production and Promotion 30-34
3.3.1 Funding 30-31
3.3.2 Co-production and Distribution 31-32
3.3.3 Popular Music 32-34
3.4 Selling Britishness 34-45
3.4.1 Urban Romantic Comedy and National Identity 34-35
3.4.2 Urban Romantic Comedy:Major Themes 35-41
3.4.3 Feel-good Community Comedy and National Identity 41
3.4.4 Feel-good Community Comedy:Major Themes 41-45
4. Case Study of Four Weddings and a Funeral(1994) 45-53
4.1 Overview and Reception 45-46
4.2 Synopsis 46
4.3 Theme Exploration 46-50
4.3.1 Urban Fairy Tale 46-48
4.3.2 Quest for True Love and Marriage 48-49
4.3.3 The Special UK-US Relationship in Film 49-50
4.4 Production and Promotion Analysis 50-53
5. Case Study of The Full Monty(1997) 53-60
5.1 Overview and Reception 53-54
5.2 Synopsis 54
5.3 Theme Exploration 54-57
5.3.1 The Decline of Traditional Industry and Working Class 54-55
5.3.2 Masculinity Crisis 55-56
5.3.3 Optimism,Nostalgia and Collectivism 56-57
5.4 Production and Promotion Analysis 57-60
6. Conclusion 60-62
Works Cited 62-67