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  Is the Destination Image “Colorful” Really Suitable for Guizhou Province[U1]

  1. Xu Song 2. Jie Xiaowen[U2]

  1, 2 Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, P. R. China, 610065

  1. College of Geography and Tourism, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, P. R. China, 401331

  [U3] Abstract The research gains framework from the image studies’ format around three dimensions (objects, subjects and attributes)…………(10號字體,整體左側縮進兩字符)

  Key words placeness cognitive, destination image, Guizhou(除專有名詞外單詞均小寫,10號字體,整體左側縮進兩字符)

  1. Introduction(一級標題除and、of、for等虛詞外每個單詞首字母大寫,12號字體加粗,段前1.5行,斷后0.5行)

  Ever since the first study emerged from Hunt in 1991,[1] the importance of the tourist destination’s image is universally acknowledged and has led to a growing body of research on the topic.[2][U4]

  The study of tourism image of Guizhou started from 1997. After a long period of exploration,[3-8] the image “Colorful Guizhou” was established in 2005 based on the thought of “combination of natural landscape and ethnic culture”.[9] Since then, the tourism industry developed rapidly. According to The Data of Statistical Bulletin of Guizhou National Economy and Social Development(2011-2014), ……………………………………………………….………………………………(正文內容10號字體,兩端對齊,單倍行距,段落首行縮進兩字符)

  2. Theory Basis and Research Framework[U5]

  2.1 Theory basis[U6]

  The term destination image has a number of meanings. It is defined by Hunt as the impressions that a person or persons hold about a state in which they do not reside.[10] According to Crompton, destination image is the sum of beliefs, ideas and impressions that a person has of a destination.[11] Gartner point out that destination images are formed by cognitive, affective and conative.[12] …………………..( 正文內容10號字體,兩端對齊,單倍行距,段落首行縮進兩字符)

  2.2 Research framework


  3. Research Design

  The placeness of Guizhou Province was firstly refined; then a questionnaire was designed to collect data. Then the fitness of image would be judged. At the end of the paper was the relative suggestion.

  3.1 The placeness of Guizhou province

  According to the common traits summarized by Gallarza, the placeness of Guizhou Province was identified as the Karst and the Yelang Ethnic Culture by the regional competitive destinations comparison.

  There are three features of The Karst in Guizhou Province. Firstly, the Karst area accounts for 73.5% in the province, which is the largest Karst distribution in China, compared to that of Guangxi (37.8%), Yunnan (27%), and Sichuan (15.5%). Secondly, the Karst has fully developed. Almost all the forms of Karst landform are included. Thirdly, although almost Karst around the world is rocky desertification, Karst in Guizhou Province is anti-normally green. For example, the high-level and most famous attractions, such as Maolan National Nature Reserve, Huangguoshu Waterfall, Xiaoqikong, and ZhiJindong Cave, etc.[U7] , are manifestations of Karst.……………………………………………………………………

  3.2 Questionnaire

  The Structural Method is the main methods[37] in destination image measurement; and The Likert-scale is the most used tool.[38] The questionnaire was designed by the upper method and tool.

  Table 1 Questionnaire structure and its content[U8]

  Item Description Example[U9]

  Scale Q0 “Colorful Guizhou” represents the placeness of the province

  Q1A The tourism attractions is unique;

  Q1B The tourism attractions is common;

  Q2A the natural attraction is unique;

  Q2B he Karst attraction is unique;

  Q2C the folk attraction is unique;

  Multiple-choice Q3 the core of the tourists’ attraction

  Q4 the most attractive attraction

  Q5 the most representative attraction

  Demography Q6 sex;

  Q7 age;

  Q8 occupation;

  Q9 Inhabitant[U10]

  The questionnaire is designed, modified and finally settled d

  own during April to June, 2013. As is seen[U11] in Table 1[U12] , there are three parts of the questionnaire, namely the Five-point Likert-scale, the Multiple-choice and the Demographic information (e.g., gender, age, occupation and residence). All the items were asked under the background of Southwest China except the demographic information; a 5-point scale was adopted to rate the agreement of the items, ranging from “1” (fully disagree) to “5” (fully agree) with a midpoint of “3” (neutral). As both the common traits and the unique features in holistic can lead to placeness cognition, the comparison of the both sides can sharply indicate the cognitive intension of the unique features by the subjects. So the both sides were set apart as the Q1A and Q1B. The placeness of the province, refined by the detailed common traits, was set as the evaluation cretiria used in the comparison from the regional competitive destination. Account for the classification and the accessibility of the respondents, the Karst and the Yelang Ethic Culture found its expression in Natural Landscape (Q2A, Q2B) and the Ethnic Culture (Q2C) separately. The questionnaire is distributed to the local and tourists respectively. …………………..

  4. Data and Analysis

  4.1 Sample and questionnaire validity


  4.1.1 Analysis and result[U13]


  In fact, the contradictions emerged by the results of item Q1 and Q2, which would be explained by the further analysis.

  Table 2 The core attraction in Guizhou Province

  Data From Total

  Local Tourists

  The Core

  Attraction Mountain Scenery % 22.4 31.8 54.2

  Geographic Features % 9.9 23.7 33.6

  Folk Custom % 14.3 12.7 27.0

  Ethnic Culture % 5.1 2.5 7.6

  Total % 35.0 65.0 100.0


  5. Conclusion and Discussion

  In conclusion, the destination image “Colorful”[U14] is not suitable for Guizhou Province. The cognitive subjects did not grasp the unique features of Guizhou Province, saying the Karst of the Natural and the Yelang Ethnic Culture. This research suggest that the full use of the placeness in the further image work and avoiding the label of common traits of the tourism attraction in Southwest China. …………………………..


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