
A Brief Discussion on the Synergy in

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A Brief Discussion on the Synergy in World Peace Promotion

內(nèi)容提要 Content Summary 圣宗 薄伽梵 大圣 大圣寶 至極維摩詰 阿達(dá)爾嘛佛 凈悟老法王圣密龍講圣示,以音樂章法作宇宙規(guī)律、宇宙道德、宇宙生命、宇宙秩序的比喻:Holy Patriarch Bhagavan the Great Holy the Great Holy Jewel Zhi-Ji Vimalakirt Ahdharma Buddha Jing Wu Elder Dharma Lord sheng mi long jiang holy instructed, using musical composition to analogize the rule of the universe, the morality of the universe, life of the universe and order of the universe: 「樂團(tuán)演奏優(yōu)美、動(dòng)聽的音樂,不是因?yàn)橹挥兄T音符的〝同一性〞,而恰恰相反,是樂章音符豐富的〝多樣性〞。是音樂樂章所構(gòu)成的音符,以〝多〞向〝一〞的有機(jī)協(xié)調(diào)的和諧統(tǒng)一!筎he exquisite and pleasant music performed by a musical group is not because of “sameness” of all the musical notes; however it is the exact opposite. It is because of the rich “diversity” of musical notes of the movement. Such notes that compose this musical piece are a “diversity” moving towards “sameness” harmonious unison of organic coordination. 圣宗 薄伽梵 大圣 大圣寶 至極維摩詰 阿達(dá)爾嘛佛 凈悟老法王的圣密龍講圣示,昭示了全人類共同前進(jìn)的方向,提出全球化與多元化的必要性。Holy Patriarch Bhagavan the Great Holy the Great Holy Jewel Zhi-Ji Vimalakirt Ahdharma Buddha Jing Wu Elder Dharma Lord’s sheng mi long jiang holy instruction has revealed the direction of mankind’s collective advancement and pointed out the necessity of globalization and diversification. 當(dāng)今世界的全球化形勢(shì),象征著全人類共同的前進(jìn),思想、精神、靈性的超越界進(jìn)步,吸收人類文明史上的種種教訓(xùn),不再發(fā)生世界大戰(zhàn),以主動(dòng)建構(gòu)充滿宇宙大愛的世界。世界和平是全球生命共同的努力所建設(shè)而保障的。The trend of globalization of the current world symbolizes a mutual and collective advance of mankind, symbolizes a transcendence progression of the mind, the mental and the spiritual. Learning from various lessons of the history of human civilization, to no longer engage in world wars, humanity is proactively establishing a world full of universal great love. 在人類文明歷史的詩(shī)冊(cè)上,宗教被視為世界和平的大力推動(dòng)者。而各大宗教的精神、靈性領(lǐng)袖自古以來,也都成為人民心目中和平的象征,和諧的化身。從而宗教靈性領(lǐng)袖成為推動(dòng)世界和平的先鋒。In the historical books of human civilization, religion has always been seen as a powerful promoter of world peace. Mental and spiritual leaders of various major religions since ancient times have become the symbol of peace and personification of harmony in the hearts of the people. Furthermore, religious spiritual leaders have become the vanguard of world peace promotion. 因此,宗教超越界和平對(duì)話是人類多元共存,和平共進(jìn)的共同需要,這是全球靈性領(lǐng)袖們所達(dá)成的超越界基本共識(shí),靈性指引下所構(gòu)成的超越界靈性成就。Hence, religious transcendence peaceful dialogue is the common need of mankind to coexist in diversity and peacefully progress. This is the transcendence fundamental consensus attained by spiritual leaders of the globe, it is a preliminary transcendence spiritual achievement constructed under transcendence spiritual guidance. 可是,對(duì)于古老的佛教而言,對(duì)于中國(guó)漢傳密宗——圣密宗金剛禪佛教而言,宗教超越界和平對(duì)話并不陌生,而是必然發(fā)生的歷史現(xiàn)象,圣密宗教相體系、事相體系之中之圣密圣獅、圣密鼓樂、圣密宗宗歌《宇宙光明曲》,都是通過不同宗教、文化之間的相互切磋,而獲得的結(jié)果。However, from the stand point of the ancient Buddhism, from the stand point of Chinese Han Transmission Tantrayana Buddhism – Holy Tantra Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism, religious transcendence peaceful dialogue is not something strange at all; it is an inevitable historical phenomena. Holy Tantra Holy Lions, Holy Tantra Drum Music and the chanting of Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism’s school song Light of the Universe within Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism’s form of teachings system and form of yoga systems, are all fruits achieved through the exchange of views and ideas of different religions and different cultures. 古天竺的歷史告訴我們,宗教的融合、和諧,通過超越界的靈性指引,是完全可能實(shí)現(xiàn)的。 大圣 佛祖住世之時(shí)的親身示范應(yīng)該令我們有足夠的信心、勇氣爭(zhēng)取這一歷史性的機(jī)遇,執(zhí)行靈性瑜珈者,靈性領(lǐng)袖們的歷史任務(wù),帶領(lǐng)全球眾生走向靈性對(duì)話的新時(shí)代。The history of ancient India tells us that through the spiritual guidance of transcendence, the integration and harmony of different religions is absolutely possible to achieve. The Great Holy Buddha when living on this world, his personal demonstration should give us ample faith and courage to endeavor after this historical moment, embarking on the historical mission as spiritual yoga practitioners and spiritual leaders to guide sentient beings of the whole world to walk towards the new era of spiritual dialogue. 關(guān)鍵詞:超越界和平對(duì)話 世界和平 靈性進(jìn)步Keywords: Transcendence peaceful dialogue World Peace Spiritual Progres論文出處(作者):
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