On the Chinese Translation of English Advertisements
Advertisements are strictly consumer-oriented, so is their translation. The first part of this thesis will look back upon some translation theories through years. Peter Newmark’s communicative and semantic translation and Eugene Nida’s functional equivalence are important translation theories. In the second part, some translation methods that might be adopted in advertisements translation are introduced. The third part of this thesis is translation analysis, which is more specific. Translation of body copies, headlines, slogans, and trademarks are discussed respectively. Rhetorical expressions are included in translation analysis of slogan. In addition, several new concepts will be put forward in this thesis. Claim and positioning make translators understand advertisements translation with a whole new perspective. Claim is discussed with slogan, positioning with trademark.
Through analysis of advertisements translation, qualifications and responsibilities for advertisements translators are indicated. At last, the relationship between Newmark’s communicative translation and Nida’s functional equivalence embodied in advertisements translation will be found.
Key Words: English advertisements; translation; analysis; claim; positioning
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