- 相關(guān)推薦
the Origin Analysis and Guarding Mechanisms on
Chinese Network Financial Risks
Abstract: Informational technology revolution, which takes the computer network technology as the core, has brought the unprecedented opportunities and the challenges for the whole social economy. But the network finance, as a 21st century finances industry revolution, has obtained rapid development during the short several years, and focused attentions of people day by day. It has initiated series of significant transformations, such as the way of financial organizational management, Central Banks monetary policy operation and finance industry operation mechanism, and so on. Facing the impact of the network economical tide, how does Chinese finance industry catch the opportunity, complies with the current tide of the development of international finance industry, and vigorously advances our country’s network financial development, is important content of enhancing the competitive ability of Chinese finance industry. Therefore, speeding up the financial reformation steps, practically preventing and gradually reducing the financial risks, has important practical significance. This article, bases on the present situations of network finance and financial risks, which are contained in network finance, has comprehensively analyzed the reason of the producing of financial risks, and proposed the corresponding guard and countermeasure of melting the financial risks, While analyzing the realistic environments of guarding finance risks at present.
Keywords: network finance;risk;origin