Outline for Beginners
Following is a speech outline for (EFL) novice debaters. Too much reliance on this may make your speech inflexible; still, the expressions and the speech flow below are the basic which every (EFL) debater should keep in mind.
■ 1.
■ 2. <Motion>
<Background information to the motion>
<Defining the motion/Casing>
■ 3.
■ 4.
■ 5. <Transition to refutation part>
<Basics of refutation>
■ 6.
■ 7.
<Indication the end of your speech>
Refutation, which is to point out the weakness of the other side’s arguments, can be formulated into six basic types as below:
① Not relevant: “What you said is not relevant with what you are trying to prove. “ e.g. [GOV] Korean government should abolish death penalty because Canada abolished.
② Not true: “You are a liar!” e.g. [OPP] Korean government should not abolish death penalty because it deters crimes.
③ Not always true: “What you said is not always true.” e.g. [OPP] Korean government should not abolish death penalty because of the victim families’ feeling.
④ Not significant: “What you said is not important at all.” e.g. [OPP] Korean government should have death penalty because life in prison costs much more money.
⑤ Alternative plan: “There is a better plan to solve the problem” e.g. [GOV] Korean government should abolish death penalty because of the possibility of misjudgments.
⑥ Flip: ”What you said is the opposite. It is actually our point” e.g. [OPP] Korean government should not abolish death penalty because Koran government should protect its citizens as government role.
Outline: Reply Speech
The purpose of reply speech is quite different from the constructive speeches (e.g. PM speech). In reply speech, you assume the role of adjudicators; to be more precise, you are to explain the reason why your side has won the round.
You are expected to do:
a. explain the criteria to judge the round
b. summarize the round focusing on issues (or “crash point”).
c. Provide new illustrations to emphasize your arguments.
1. Greetings
Thank you Mr. (Madam) speaker. Good [morning / afternoon / evening] ladies and gentlemen in this house again. |
2. Showing the outline.
So far, we have talked about ~. In order to show, why we have to win this round. · I would compare both government and opposition sides’ arguments in terms of [two / three] issues in this round. They are ~. · I have [two / three] questions to ask. They are ~. |
3. Pointing out the failures of the other side.
Before going to the issues, I would like to point out the crucial failure of the [government / opposition] side. That is ~. |
4. Comparing arguments focusing on issues (crash points).
· The first [question / issue / crash point] is ~. · [Your opponent] has said that ~. Still, we have pointed out that this wrong because ~. · On the other hand, we have argued that ~ because ~. Our argument was superior to their argument because ~.
Then, let me go on to the next [question / issue / crash point]. |
5. Conclusion.
· For all these reasons, [government / opposition] side has won this round. · Thank you. |